Publications Effective Altruism and Charitable GivingMaier, M., Caviola, L., Schubert, S., & Harris, A. J. (2023). Investigating (sequential) unit asking: An unsuccessful quest for scope sensitivity in willingness to donate judgments. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making.Caviola, L. & Greene, J.D. (2023). Boosting the impact of charitable giving with donation bundling and micromatching. Science Advances.Caviola, L. Morrissey, E., S., Lewis, J. (2022). How many students are familiar with and sympathetic towards effective altruism? EA Forum.Caviola, L. Althaus, D., Schubert, S., Lewis, J. (2022). What psychological traits predict interest in effective altruism? EA Forum.Caviola, L. Morrissey, E., S., Lewis, J. (2022). How many students are familiar with and sympathetic towards effective altruism? EA Forum.Caviola, L., & Greene, J.D. (2021). Boosting the effectiveness of altruistic decisions. Manuscript in Preparation.Caviola, L., Schubert, S., & Greene, J. D. (2021). The Psychology of (In) Effective Altruism. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. Caviola, L., Schubert, S., & Nemirow, J. (2020). The many obstacles to effective giving. Judgment and Decision Making, 15(2), 159.Caviola, L., Schubert, S., Teperman, E., Moss, D., Greenberg, S., & Faber, N. (2020). Donors vastly underestimate differences in charities’ effectiveness. Lewis, J., & Small, D. (2020). Ineffective Altruism: Giving Less When Donations Do More Good. O’Brien, E., & Kassirer, S. (2019). People are slow to adapt to the warm glow of giving. Psychological Science, 30(2), 193-204. Longtermism and Catastrophic and Existential RisksColeman*, M., Caviola*, L., Lewis, J., & Goodwin, G. (2024). How important is the end of humanity? Lay people prioritize extinction prevention but not above all other societal issues.Lewis, J., Srna, S., Morrissey, E., Wilks, M., Winter, C., & Caviola, L. (2024). Misjudgment exacerbates collective action problems.Schubert, S., Caviola, L., Savulescu, J. & Faber, N.S. (2024). Temporal distance reduces ingroup favoritism.Caviola, L., Althaus, D., Mogensen, A. L., & Goodwin, G. P. (2022). Population ethical intuitions. Cognition, 218, 104941.Althaus, D., & Baumann, Tobias. (2020). Reducing long-term risks from malevolent actors. EA Forum.Lewis, J., & Simmons, J.P. (2020). Prospective Outcome Bias: Incurring (Unnecessary) Costs to Achieve Outcomes That Are Already Likely. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149(5), 870–888. Lewis, J., Gaertig, C., & Simmons, J.P. (2019). Extremeness Aversion Is a Cause of Anchoring, Psychological Science, 30(2), 159–173. Schubert, S., Caviola, L., & Faber, N. S. (2019). The psychology of existential risk: Moral judgments about human extinction. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1-8.* joint first authorship Animal WelfareParuzel-Czachura, M., Maier, M., Warmuz, R., Wilks, M., & Caviola, L. (2024). Children value animals more than adults do: A conceptual replication and extension. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.Caviola, L., Schubert, S., Kahane, G., & Faber, N. S. (2022). Humans First: Why people value animals less than humans. Cognition, 225, 105139. Kahane, G., & Caviola, L. (2022). Are the folk utilitarian about animals? Philosophical Studies, 1-23.Wilks, M., Caviola, L., Kahane, G., & Bloom, P. (2021). Children prioritize humans over animals less than adults do. Psychological Science, 32(1), 27-38.Caviola, L., Kahane, G., Everett, J. A., Teperman, E., Savulescu, J., & Faber, N. S. (2021). Utilitarianism for animals, Kantianism for people? Harming animals and humans for the greater good. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.Caviola, L., & Capraro, V. (2020). Liking but devaluing animals: emotional and deliberative paths to speciesism. Social Psychological and Personality Science.Caviola, L., Everett, J. A., & Faber, N. S. (2019). The moral standing of animals: Towards a psychology of speciesism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 116(6), 1011. Morality, Judgment and Decision-Making (General)Lewis, J., Feiler, D., & Adner, R. (2022). The Worst-First Heuristic: How Decision Makers Manage Conjunctive Risk. Management Science.Schubert, S. & Caviola, L. (2021). Virtues for real-world utilitarians. In R.Y. Chappell, D. Meissner, and W. MacAskill (eds.), An Introduction to Utilitarianism.In H. Viciana, A. Gaitán, and F. Aguiar (eds.), Experiments in Moral and Political Philosophy.Caviola, L., Schubert, S., & Mogensen, A. (2021). Should you save the more useful? The effect of generality on moral judgments about rescue and indirect effects. Cognition.Kassirer, S., Levine, E. E., & Gaertig, C. (2020). Decisional autonomy undermines advisees’ judgments of experts in medicine and in life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(21), 11368-11378.Huang, K., Greene, J. D., & Bazerman, M. (2019). Veil-of-ignorance reasoning favors the greater good. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(48), 23989-23995.Greene, J. (2014). Moral tribes: Emotion, reason, and the gap between us and them. Penguin.Kahane, G., Everett, J. A., Earp, B. D., Caviola, L., Faber, N. S., Crockett, M. J., & Savulescu, J. (2018). Beyond sacrificial harm: A two-dimensional model of utilitarian psychology. Psychological Review, 125(2), 131. Relevant Research by Other ResearchersBaron, J. Is moral judgment rational? Draft chapter (accepted with revision) for Cambridge Handbook of Moral Psychology, 2nd edition, edited by Philip Robbins and Bertram Malle.)Baron, J., Isler, O., & Yilmaz, O. Actively open-minded thinking and the political effects of its absence. Draft chapter for Divided: Open-Mindedness and Dogmatism in a Polarized World (Victor Ottati and Chadly Stern, editors; Oxford University Press)Bergh, R., & Reinstein, D. (2021). Empathic and numerate giving: The joint effects of victim images and charity evaluations. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(3), 407-416.Fowler, Z., Law, K. F., & Gaesser, B. (2021). Against empathy bias: The moral value of equitable empathy. Psychological Science, 0956797620979965.Gainsburg, I., Pauer, S., Nawal, A., Aloyo, E. T., Mourrat, J. C., & Cristia, A. (2021). How Effective Altruism Can Help Psychologists Maximize Their Impact.Jaeger, B., & van Vugt, M. (2021). Psychological barriers to effective altruism: An evolutionary perspective. Current Opinion in Psychology.Law, K. F., Campbell, D., & Gaesser, B. (2021). Biased benevolence: The perceived morality of effective altruism across social distance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 01461672211002773.Bazerman, M. H. (2020). Better, Not Perfect: A Realist's Guide to Maximum Sustainable Goodness. HarperCollins.Baron, J. (2019). Actively open-minded thinking and politics. Cognition, 188, 8-18.Berman, J. Z., Barasch, A., Levine, E. E., & Small, D. A. (2018). Impediments to effective altruism: The role of subjective preferences in charitable giving. Psychological Science, 29(5), 834-844.Baron, J., Ritov, I., & Greene, J.D. (2012) The duty to support nationalistic policies. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. 26, 128-138.